Foundational Sessions
Starter Pack

Explore off-the-shelf keynotes, workshops, and presentations tailored to your workplace culture and objectives.

The three sessions listed below make a wonderful starter pack to keep the thread going throughout the year. These sessions are powerful together or hold up perfectly well on their own.

LGBTQ+ 101

This is a great place to start if you haven’t hosted this session or it’s been a while since it’s been covered. This session provides a basic overview of LGBTQ+ communities.

An Engaging Journey to Boost Understanding

This interactive, facilitator-led session provides a safer space to learn about the LGBTQ+ community and terminology. We overview different subgroups and review tools highlighting complexities around gender, sexuality, and their intersections. LGBTQ+ employees frequently report learning something new, too. In one hour, you'll:

  1. Gain foundational LGBTQ+ knowledge to create a more inclusive environment

  2. Learn why some may not disclose their LGBTQ+ identity

  3. Identify ways to visibly support and affirm LGBTQ+ colleagues

  4. Access resources to continue building allyship and understanding

The Perfect Starter for Employees Lacking LGBTQ+ Familiarity

Ideal for organizations seeking to boost LGBTQ+ inclusivity from the ground up. We recommend this as the first step before more advanced training if employees need basic LGBTQ+ education to avoid being lost or confused.

Flexible Format for Optimal Learning

The one-hour format allows for interactive discussions in a judgment-free zone. We blend informative lessons with polls, Q&A, and scenarios to make complex concepts clearer.

A Launchpad for Continued Learning and Awareness

Use this session to acknowledge LGBTQ+ events like Pride, historical milestones, and issues still affecting the community today.

Transgender and Nonbinary 101

A wonderful follow-up to LGBTQ+ 101, it dives deeper into transgender, nonbinary, and gender-expansive experiences. It explicitly doesn’t cover pronouns because it requires its own session and perpetuates the myth that pronouns are a Trans Thing ™.

Building Understanding in a Judgment-Free Zone

An engaging journey to boost knowledge around trans and nonbinary identities. This interactive session provides a safer space to ask questions and learn about the transgender and nonbinary communities. We highlight similarities, differences, and complexities through scenarios. In one hour, you'll:

  1. Start using gender-inclusive language to create a more welcoming environment

  2. Define key terms like transgender, nonbinary, and gender expansive

  3. Recognize and avoid inappropriate questions or comments

  4. Identify ways to visibly support trans and nonbinary colleagues

  5. Access resources on issues impacting these communities

Ideal for Increasing Trans/Nonbinary Inclusion and Affirmation

Designed for teams seeking to create a safer, more gender-affirming workplace. You may think you don’t have any trans or nonbinary employees, but it may just mean that they aren’t out at work. And if you don’t now, you definitely will.

Interactive, Scenario-Based Learning for Lasting Understanding

The flexible one-hour format allows for open discussions in a judgment-free zone. We blend lessons with polls, scenarios, and Q&A to make complex concepts clearer.

Acknowledge Trans/Nonbinary Milestones and Awareness Dates

Use this session to explore events like Transgender Day of Visibility, Nonbinary Awareness Week, Trans Parent Day, and more. Participants gain tools to celebrate these communities year-round.

Beyond He and She: Validating Lived Experiences

If you’re looking to normalize pronouns within your organization, this is an ideal session for all staff to attend. If you’d like to roll out pronouns thoughtfully, please check out the [Up To Speed Package]. A one-off session is not enough to change the culture around this practice, though it is a good start.

An Engaging Journey to Boost Understanding

An engaging session providing a judgment-free space to build understanding around pronouns. We review real scenarios to normalize pronoun sharing across different situations. In one hour, you'll:

  1. Learn how to confidently share and ask for pronouns

  2. Define pronouns, differentiating first/second/third-person usage

  3. Identify reasons some may use lesser-known pronoun sets

  4. Discover techniques for respectfully correcting pronoun mistakes

The Crucial First Step Toward Gender-Inclusive Practices

Designed for teams aiming to create a workplace where everyone feels safe sharing their pronouns. We recommend this before additional policy/process training.

Interactive Approach for Lasting Change

The one-hour format allows for scenario-based activities in an open-minded environment. We blend instruction with polls and Q&A to make the complex concepts stick.

Raise Awareness Around Pronoun Celebration Dates

Pair this with initiatives recognizing International Pronouns Day or related events to reinforce allyship year-round.

Have you already covered these, or are you looking for something different?
Check out the Advanced LGBTQ+ Topics link further below.

We can also create something entirely new!


Advanced LGBTQ+ Topics